How to apply

Follow these steps to apply in a Diploma in Law.

We have two intakes a year. Apply before 1 March for entry to Winter semester, which starts in May. Apply before 1 September for entry to Summer semester, which start in November.

See Diploma in Law Calendar 2024 (pdf, 129KB) for key enrolment dates.

1. Check eligibility

You may be eligible to enrol if you hold any of the following qualifications:

  • a Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) result of at least 149
  • a university degree
  • a high school qualification (see below)
  • a university or TAFE college diploma, advanced diploma or associate diploma
  • a pass in the International Baccalaureate examination, with a minimum of 30 points and specified minimum standard in English
  • admission to candidature for a degree within the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • past or present employment as a paralegal or legal secretary for at least three years
  • past or present employment as a police officer or registered nurse.

High school qualifications

  • NSW Higher School Certificate and an ATAR of at least 68.90
  • UAI of at least 66
  • TER of at least 50 and specified minimum English marks (or equivalent in another state or New Zealand)

For high school qualifications obtained before 1990, refer to the application form.

2. Apply to become a Student-at-law

If eligible, register as a Student-at-law with the LPAB.

Download: Application for Registration as a Student-at-Law (pdf, 445KB)

3. Confirmation

Wait to receive confirmation from the Board of the success of your application. Upon successful application, you will receive your LPAB student number which you may use to register with LEC and complete your enrolment at the start of the next semester, during the enrolment period.