Life as a lawyer: it can be anything you want it to be

The hallmark of life as a lawyer is its variety. Once you are qualified, you will have the power to design the shape of your professional life.

You may choose to work as a solicitor – for yourself, in a small partnership team, or as part of a larger firm. If you want to specialise in advocacy you may go to the bar and spend your days in court, or advising clients about specialist matters. Lawyers use their skills and their knowledge to help their clients achieve their business and personal goals or bring a satisfactory end to disputes so that they can move on productively with their lives.

Some lawyers go on to become judges, or are involved in quasi-judicial roles as members of tribunals, or as mediators or arbitrators working in dispute resolution. Others work in corporate roles, as part of inter-disciplinary business or banking teams, or in government or corporate policy.

The opportunities are limited only by your imagination.

Taking control of your career and your life

Life as a lawyer is what you choose to make it. What all the roles have in common is a high degree of responsibility, autonomy, and satisfying intellectual challenges.

People often emphasise the financial rewards of a life in the law, but the personal rewards are just as great. Not everyone works for BHP, but it can be just as exciting to help the Singh family buy their first home, or the Johnsons establish their new business, as it is winning a case for an international organisation.

Our graduate stories highlight some of the career paths our alumni have taken since completing the Diploma in Law with the LEC. Take a look to gain some inspiration.